Reading - hunger

Greg Detre

Wednesday, 31 May, 2000

Prof. Rolls - B&B V


Reading - hunger�� 1

Brain & Emotion ch 2�� 1

Introduction�� 1

Rolls handout on hunger � central factors2

Ventromedial hypothalamus2

Lateral hypothalamus2

Taste pathways3

Olfactory pathways3

Visual pathways3

Amygdala�� 3

Orbitofrontal cortex3

Peripheral factors3

Gross - Psychology5

Homeostatic drive theory5

Does hunger cause eating?�� 5

What starts a meal?�� 6

Set-point or settling point: thermostat or leaky barrel?�� 8

What other factors influence what and how much we eat?�� 8

What stops a meal?�� 9

Hypothalamic regulation of eating: how does the brain control eating?�� 11

Eating disorders12



Brain & Emotion ch 2


food + water are rewards (in that the organism will work to obtain them)

signals (which originate internally) operate to alter (modulate) the reward value with food/water has for the hungry/thirsty organism

2 separate aspects of information processing of the sensory stimulation produced by food:

decoded as a physical stimulus

then coded in terms of reward value

the learning of which visual stimuli are (or are associated with) food/water:

takes place in specialised parts of the brain for this type of learning


functions of the:

different factors outside the brain (e.g. taste, smell, gastric distension)

the control signals (e.g. the amount of glucose in the blood)

which sensory inputs produce rewards

and which inputs acts as hunger/satiety signals to modulate the reward value of the sensory inputs

how the brain:

integrates these different signals

learns about which stimuli in the environment provide food

initiates behaviour to obtain the correct variety + amount of food




Rolls handout on hunger � central factors

Ventromedial hypothalamus

Frohlich�s syndrome (1902)

over-eating and obesity associated with damage to the base of the brain

Hetherington (1943)

lesions of VMH, even after hypophysectomy, cause overeating and obesity. Therefore, the VMH provides a neural control of how much is eaten

Le Magnen (1973)

VMH lesions p������ roduce hyperinsulinemia

York & Bray (1972)

the overeating and obesity produced by VMH lesions are abolished if the vagus is cut, preventing the hyperinsulinemia


therefore, VMH lesions affect eating indirectly, by causing an elevation of insulin, which then stimulates feeding

the VMH could certainly affect the body weight �set point� in this way, indirectly

Lateral hypothalamus

Hess, Brugger (1943)

electrical stimulation of the LH elicits feeding

Anand & Brobeck, 1951

lesions of the LH produce aphagia and adipsia

Stellar, 1954

the LH as a �hunger� centre

Winn & Dunnett, 1984

ibotenic acid LH lesions, which spare fibres of passage, produce aphagia


therefore, the LH is involved in the control of feeding

what is its role?

Rolls, 1976

LH neurons respond to the taste of food

LH neurons respond to the sight of food

LH neurons� responses to the taste + sight of food are modulated by hunger

Sensory-specific satiety discovered in LH neurons, and then in feeding behaviour

LH as interface between sensory inputs which produce reward, and the hunger/satiety signals that modulate reward

LH outputs may produce rewards and autonomic responses to the taste + sight of food


how do inputs reach the LH?


Taste pathways

tuning becomes more specific from the NTS through the primary taste cortex to the secondary taste cortex

satiety operates in the secondary taste cortex, but not before � representation of reward here

sensory-specific satiety effects are shown by orbitofrontal cortex neurons

the mechanism + adaptivfe significance of computation of sensory-specific satiety in the orbitofrontal cortex

Olfactory pathways

satiety modulates olfactory responses in the secondary olfactory cortex (in the orbitofrontal cortex)

multimodal, e.g. olfactory + taste neuronal responses are found in the orbitofrontal cortex � representation of flavour

learning can influence the formation of olfactory-taste associations:

the computation of new multimodal representations by learning � the representation in the OFC of the reward association of the odour

Visual pathways

from the inferior temporal cortex directly and via the amygdala to the orbitofrontal cortex

in the orbitofrontal cortex, but not in the inferior temporal cortex, neuronal repsonses to the sigh of food are modulated by hunger: reward is represented

visual-taste association learning is also reflected in the responses of OFC visual neurons, as shown by reversal

discrimination learning and particularly reversal, and also food selection, are impaired by orbitofrontal damage


discrimination learning, and also food selection, are impaired by amygdala damage

Orbitofrontal cortex

discrimination learning (especially rapid reversal) and also food selection, are impaired by orbitofrontal cortex damage

the orbitofrontal cortex contains the secondary taste and olfactory cortices

the OFC builds representations of flavour

satiety modulates the taste, olfactory + visual representation of food in the OFC

sensory-specific satiety for the taste, smell and sight of food is computed in the OFC

the OFC has a representation of the texture of food

the OFC is involved in visual-to-taste and olfactory-to-taste association learning

Peripheral factors

Oropharyngeal factors � especially taste + smell:

provide reinforcement/reward

food is still reinforcing when it can only be tasted + smelled, and is not absorbed: evidence from sham feeding with oesophageal or gastric fistulae

small volumes, e.g. 0.1ml, provide reinforcement when provided orally

taste + smell guide intake � the preference/aversion function has the normal shape during sham feeding

provide only little satiety:

overfeeding with sham feeding

however, sensory-specific satiety is a contributory factor to satiety; and conditioned satiety can occur

Gastric factors � distension

not necessary for hunger/feeding:

hunger pangs are not closely associated with gastric contractions

gastrectomised humans feel hunger

eating still occurs after vagotomy which severs gastric afferents to the brain

necessary for normal satiety:

gastric preloads inhibit subsequent feeding

gastric emptying leads to a resumption of feeding

not sufficient for reinforcement:

intragastric food delivery is not reinforcing (i.e. are not worked for)

Duodenal factors

necessary for normal satiety:

duodenal sham feeding with a duodenal fistula: overfeeding occurs

duodenal feedback via an enterogastric loop is necssary for gastric distension to occur

food infusions to the duodenum produce some satiety via chemosensors: glucose via a vagal pathway, and fats by an endocrine pathway, as shown by the effects of vagotomy

cholecystokinin and bombesin, hormones releasted when food reaches the gut, themselves contribute to satiety as shown by infusions

Summary of role of peripheral factors in feeding





Oropharyngeal factors



Gastric and intestinal factors




Therefore, there must be an interaction (in the brain) between gastric + oropharyngeal factors, with satiety signals mediated by gastric + intestinal factors modulating the reward value of oropharyngela factors (taste + smell)





Gross - Psychology

Homeostatic drive theory

homeostasis � Gk homos (same) and stasis (stoppage) � Cannon, 1929

= process by which an organism maintains fairly constant internal (bodily) environment

e.g. body temperature, blood sugar level, salt concentration in the blood etc.

a state of imbalance arises

something must happen to correct the imabalance and restore equiibrium

appropriate behaviour restores the internal balance

sates/reduces the homeostatic drive

Green (1980) � internal environment requires regular supply of raw materials from the external world



Does hunger cause eating?

hunger as the bit that happens during internal imbalance to signal the homeostatic drive

hunger = neither necessary or sufficient for eating

we eat when we�re not hungry and we don�t always eat when we are hungry

Blundell & Hill (1995) and other experiments � strong link between intensity of experienced hunger sensations and the amount of food eaten

appetite control system = hunger, eating and physiological mechanisms are coupled together (imperfectly)

circumstances of uncoupling, e.g. hunger strikes or eating disorders (obesity or anorexia nervosa)

Cannon & Washburn (1912) �Swallow a balloon if you�re hungry�

believed that the hunger drive is caused by stomach contractions (hunger pangs)

Washburn swallowed an empty balloon tied to the end of a thin tube � pumped it up, then connected the tube to a water-filled U-tube so that Washburn�s contractions would cause an increase in the level of water at the other end of the U-tube

reported a pang of hunger every time a large stomach contraction was recorded


Carlson (1992) confirmed � patient with tube implanted through his stomach wall, just above his navel

when there was food in his stomach, small rhythmic contractions (peristalsis) mixed the food and moved it along the digestive tract

when it was empty the contractions were large and associated with the patients� reports of hunger


Pinel, 1993 � however, patients who have had their stomachs removed

e.g. oesophagus connected directly duodenum (small intestine � the upper portion of the intestine through which most of the glucose and amino acids are absorbed into the bloodstream)

still report feeling hungry and sated

still maintain normal body weights by eating more frequent, smaller meals

similarly: cutting neural connections to the brain (i.e. the vagus nerve) from the gastrointestinal tract (stomach + intestines)

has little effect on food intake in humans or animals

suggests that Cannon exaggerated the importance of stomach contractions in causing hunger

but the gastrointestinal tract still plays a part in hunger + satiety

if the vagus nerve is cut, signals from the gut can still get to the brain via the circulatory system

also, stomach loading (the presence of food in the stomach) is important in regulation of feeding

if the stomach exit to the duodenum is blocked off, rats still eat normal-sized meals, i.e. information about the stretching of the stomach wall brain (via the vagus nerve)

What starts a meal?

the physiological signals to start and stop eating need not be the same (Carlson, 1992)

delay between the correctional mechanism (eating) and the change in the state of the body (several hours to completely digest)

\ the signals for hunger + satiety (the state of no longer being hungry) must be different


the information from the GIT brain via the circulatory system:

concerns the components of the food that has been absorbed

the depletion of which nutrients acts as a signal to start eating?

fats (lipids)

carbohydrates (incl glucose)

vitamins/mineral salts

proteins/amino acids

fats + carbohydrates are burnt up in cellular reactions, providing the energy to fuel metabolic processes

metabolism = all the chemical processes occurring in the body�s cells essential for the body�s normal functioning

metabolic rate = the amount of energy the body uses

when we engage in vigorous physical activity, the muscles are fuelled by fats and carbohydrates

fat reserves are called adipocytes, which clump together as adipose tissue (fat)

carbohydrates are stored as energy as glycogen (a complex carbohydrate)

Glucostatic theory

1940s/1950s glucostat:

primary stimulus for hunger is a decrease in the level of blood glucose below a certain set point

(with corresponding increase primary stimulus for satiety being an increase above this set-point)

glucose = the body�s (especially the brain�s) primary fuel

the glucostat = a neuron (probably in the hypothalamus) that detects the level of blood glucose

i.e. although it hadn�t been identified, it was assumed that there is a mechanism that responds to changes in the level of blood glucose

Mayer (1955) � influential because proposed that feeding regulates:

the glucose utilisation (the rate at which it is used)

rather than absolute blood glucose level

usually, utilisation and absolute blood glucose levels are very closely correlated

but Mayer could also account for hyperphagia (over-eating)

e.g. diabetes mellitus � overeat despite high glucose levels, because their pancreas cannot produce the insulin necessary for the glucose to enter cells and be utilised

glucose utilisation = monitored by glucoreceptors that compare glucose entering + leaving the brain, �/span> stimulates/inhibits feeding

experiments appeared to locate the glucoreceptors (Mayer & Marshall, 1958)

injected mice with gold thioglucose

the glucose binds to the glucoreceptors

which would be destroyed by the gold (a neurotoxin)

then the mice began to eat loads

examination showed damage to tissue in the VMH

ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) = satiety centre


however: although a fall in blood glucose may be the most important physiological signal for hunger, it is not the only one

if eating were controlled exclusively by blood glucose, we would expect them to overeat and get fat (Carlson, 1992)

Lipostatic theory

1950s + 1960s:

focuses on the end product of glucose metabolism � the storage of fats (lipids) in adipocytes

body fat is normally maintained at a relatively constant level

Kennedy (1953): everyone has a set-point for body fat, and deviations from this lead to compensatory adjustments in food intake

Nisbett (1972): fluctuations in the amount of stored fats largely determines variations in body weight � everyone has a body weight set-point

(hence the failure of short-term diets to produce long-term weight loss)

animal experiments � lesions in they hypothalamus:

damage to the lateral hypothalamus �/span> rats will stop eating (even when food is readily available) to the point of starvation (aphagia)

was thought to indicate that the LH normally functions to stimulate eating

Keesey & Powley (1975):

deprived rats of food then lesioned their LHs

they then started eating more food (not less)

in normal rats: the lesion lowers the body weight set point

if you lesion rats who are already below this set point: they increase feeding in order to reach the new (higher) set point

i.e. damage doesn�t affect feeding directly, but only by altering the body weight set point

Set-point or settling point: thermostat or leaky barrel?

Pinel (1993): the glucostatic + lipostatic theories are complementary, rather than mutually exclusive because:

glucostatic theory

was meant to account for the initiation + termination of eating, i.e. relatively short-term processes

lipostatic theory

was meant to explain long-term feeding habits and the regulation of body weight

both are based on the assumption that homeostasis implies the existence of set-point mechanisms

current biopsychological theories: body weight tends to drift around a natural settling point

(the level at which the various factors influencing it are balanced)

early theorists seduced by the analogy of the thermostat

better analogy for settling point theory: the leaky barrel model

the water level in a leaky barrel is regulated around a natural settling point rather than a predetermined set point

(i.e. a balance between the rate of water leaking out and the amount coming in???)

What other factors influence what and how much we eat?

setting point theory is more compatible with research findings:

point to factors other than internal energy deficits as causes of eating (Pinel, 1993):

learning determines: what, when, how much and how to digest the food we eat

feeding system = flexible system that opertaes within certain general guidelines but is �fine-tuned� by experience

we are drawn to eat by food�s incentive properties, i.e. the anticipated pleasure-producing effects of food (palatability)

both internal and external factors influence eating in the same way, by changing the incentive value of available foods

signals from the taste receptors produce an immediate decline in the incentive value of similar tasting food

signals associated with increased energy supply from a meal produce a general decrease in the incentive properties of all foods

Rolls & Rolls (1982): discovered LH neurons that respond to the incentive properties of food, rather than food itself

when monkeys were repeatedly allowed to eat one palatable food, the response of LH neurons to it declined, though not to other palatable foods

neurons that responded to the sight of food �/span> respond to a neutral stimulus that reliably predicted the presentation of food

classically conditioned responses � cephalic phase responses

Pavlov (1927): the sight/smell of milk produced abundant salivation in puppies raised on a milk diet, but not in those raised on a solid diet

conditioned salivation to a metronome or a light bulb

or feeling hungry at certain times of the day when we usually eat, even if there is no energy deficit

could we learn to find things palatable in the first place?

innate preferences for tastes associated in nature with vital neutrients

e.g. sweetness detectors helped ancestors identify safe foods (even when not hungry, sweet tastes are pleasant, and sweet things tend to increase appetite (Carlson, 1992) )

but can also learn relationship between taste and post-ingestion consequences of eating certain food

taste aversion studies (Garcia et al., 1966):

rats learn to avoid novel tastes that are followed by illness

rats can learn to prefer tastes that are followed by infusion of nutrients + flavours that they smell on the breath of other rats

both rats and humans require a varied diet

humans usually prefer a plate of mixed foods than a huge plate of only one food

soon become tired of the same food = sensory-specific satiety

cultural evolution e.g.

Mexicans calcium by adding lime to tortillas

Europe + N America: prefer diets deterimental to our health

food manufacturers sell highly palatable + energy dense food with less nutritional value, �/span> overeating, fat deposits + body weight

Blundell & Hill (1995): this does not generates a compensatory biological drive to undereat

may explain obesity

evolved a strong defence against undernutrition, weak defence against the effects of overnutrition

Pinel (1993): the number of different foods consumed in the West is so large that our bodies are unable to learn which foods are beneficial and which not

What stops a meal?

satiety = feeling �full up� or satisfied

meal size is influenced by several factors

Blundell & Hill (1995)

satiety is not an instantaneous event, but occurs over a period of time

there are different phases of satiety, associated with different mechanisms

together, they comprise the satiety cascade

(which maintains inhibition over hunger and eating during the early + late phases of satiety)

sensory effects

generated by the smell, taste, temperature and texture of food

inhibit eating in the very short term

cognitive effects

beliefs we hold about the properties of food

may inhibit hunger in the short term

post-ingestive effects

including gastric distension, rate of gastric emptying, release of hormones (e.g. CCK) and stimulation of GIT receptors

post-absorptive effects

mechanisms arising from the action of glucose, fats, amino acids (+ other metabolites) after absorption across the intestine into the bloodstream

post-ingestive and post�absoptive effects are the most important re suppression + subsequent control of hunger

food of varying nutritional composition will have different effects on the mediating processes

research into possible differences in satiating efficiency + capacity to reduce hunger between: protein, fat and carbohydrate

found so far:

carbohydrates are efficient appetite suppressants

the fat content of food influences its texture + palatability, but has a disproportionately weak effect on satiety


although the stomach may not be very important in causing hunger, it is important in satiety

the gastric branch of the vagus nerve carries emergency signals from the stretch receptors in the stomach wall � prevents us from overeating and damaging the stomach

signals from receptors that detect the presence of nutrients are transmitted to the brain by means of a chemical released into the blood by cells in the stomach wall (Carlson, 1992)

after food reaches the stomach, the protein is broken down into its constituent amino acids

as digestion proceeds, food gradually passes into the duodenum (small intestine), which controls the rate of stomach emptying by secreting a peptide hormone (short chains of amino acids) called cholecystokinin (CCK)

CCK is secreted in response to the presence of fats, detected by receptors in the walls of the duodenum

many studies have found that injecting CCK into hungry rats causes them to eat smaller meals

Wolkowitz et al (1990): gave people injections of a drug that blocks CCK receptors in the peripheral nervous system (but not in the brain)

they reported feeling more hungry and less full after a meal than the controls


Hypothalamic regulation of eating: how does the brain control eating?

tumours in the hypothalamus �/span> hyperphagia (excessive overeating) and obesity

stereotaxic surgery (1930s): could experiment with damage to particular areas of the hypothalamus to see the effect on eating behaviour of animals

Hetherington & Ranson (1942): large, bilateral lesions in the ventral medial nucleus (VMN) of the hypothalamus (lower, central) �/span> hyperphagia

VMH: assumed that its normal function is to inhibit feeding when the animal is �full�

= the satiety centre (found in rats, cats, dogs, chickens and monkeys (Teitelbaum, 1967) )

in fact it may be that it is the tendency to become obese that causes them to overeat

the lesions �/span>

the body�s tendency to produce fat (lipogenesis)

and the tendency to release fats into the bloodstream (lipolysis)

so calories eaten are converted to fat very fast, and the animal has to keep eating to ensure that it has enough calories in the blood stream

VMH syndrome behavioural complications:

most animals will eat even bad-tasting food

hyperphagic rats will become underweight if quinine is added to their food � taste becomes very important (Teitelbaum, 1955)

VMH syndrome is also anatomically complex:

damage to VMN

but also to axons which connect the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) (situated in the medial hypothalamus) with parts of the brainstem

microinjections of CCK into the PVN inhibit food intake

microinjections of a supposed hunger peptide, substance Y �/span> stimulates eating (Pinel, 1993)

2 neurotransmitters in the medial hypothalamus play an important role in eating behaviour:

noradrenaline stimulates carbohydrate intake

serotonin inhibits it

lateral hypothalamus (LH) accelerates eating

bilateral lesions to the LH aphagia (refusal to eat, to the point of starvation) (Anand & Brobeck, 1951; Teitelbaum & Stellar, 1954)

even VMH lesioned rats �/span> aphagic if LH lesioned

LH = feeding centre

not well understood � diffuse effects

LH syndrome includes both aphagia and also adipsia (cessation of drinking)

both are part of a more general lack of responsiveness to sensory input

LH itself = large + ill-defined, many nuclei, several major nerve tracts through it

electrical stimulation of LH �/span> eating, but also drinking, gnawing, temperature changes + sexual activity

electrical stimulation to other areas (of they hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus and frontal cortex) also �/span> eating

Pinel (1993) � LH �hunger centre� = misnomer


Eating disorders



surely the (phenomenological) hunger pangs are different to the homeostatic drive itself

what�s the system of digestion like?

if the stomach exit to the duodenum is blocked off, then how does the food ever get digested?

what form does the information from the GIT to brain take � vagus nerve???

is it neurally-encoded information about the state of the GIT, or is it that the brain can tell from what is absorbed in the blood as it circulates around the brain?

does our blood sugar level rise immediately upon eating? � otherwise, this causes problems for the glucostatic theory

no, it�s a post-absorptive effect (i.e. the last of the 4 processes in satiety)

also, there is a grey area between hunger and satiety � not a fine line/stimulus level

can there be a neural mechanism that calculates glucose utilisation?

do the rats with damage to the lateral hypothalamus actually starve to death?

no, it seems they only have a much lowered body weight set point

why is it called the lipostatic theory?

because it�s based around fat (lipids) and maintaining a body weight (fatness) set point

why do sensory effects come before cognitive effects?

stomach loading vs gastric distension

duodenum chemosensors

can you get sensory-specific satiety for a particular food, e.g. spaghetti bolognaise, or only for one of the main food taste types


what�s the NTS?